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Innovation on RFSOI Antenna Tuner CanaanTek and INCIZE Belgium enter into strategic partnership
Recently CanaanTek and Incize reached an in-depth strategic cooperation on characterization of RFSOI CMOS devices for advanced processes at the Einstein High-Tech Park in Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. The two companies, which began their communication du…Ijiwei
China IC Top Award" was announced, CanaanTek was awarded The Best Innovative Product of the Year news, the Best Innovative Product of the Year is awarded to CanaanTek Co., Ltd. (CanaanTek) on Dec.18, when the 3rd China Semiconductor Investment Alliance Annual Meeting and China IC Top Award Ceremony Awards Ceremony was successfully held…Ijiwei
Dr. Ni Wenhai, Board Chairman of CanaanTek, attended the 2019 RF-SOI International Seminar and delivered a keynote speech
On September 17, 2019, the 7th 2019 International RF-SOI Workshop held by SOI International Industry Alliance was held at the Shangri-La Hotel in Pudong, Shanghai. It was organized by Shanghai Simgui Technology Co., Ltd. and hosted by SOI Internationa…Ijiwei